Community Meeting Minutes

2/21/2024 Community Meeting Minutes

Meeting Commenced at 6:57 PM Attendees:  Board: Conley, Jim, Sally, Tom; Trustees: Dave; Community: 7 community members attended. Welcome Secretary's Report - January minutes are posted on the CFP website.  Minutes were approved by voice vote. Treasurer's Report -...

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1/17/24 Community Meeting Minutes

January 17, 2024 Community Meeting Attendees: Board – Conley, Jim, David, Ashley, Sarah, Lee Trustees – Leon, Shomari, Marshall, Dave. Community – approximately 8 members Meeting commenced at 7:01 PM 1. Welcome and Introductions 2. Secretary’s Report – November...

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Community Meeting 10/18/23 Minutes

Attendees:  Board - Conley, Jim, David, Lee, Sally, Tom; Trustees - Leon, Dave; 12 Community members Meeting Commenced at 7:00 PM  Welcome Secretary's Report - September meeting minutes, online, approved Treasurer's Report - YTD $11,467 positive - some of which is...

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Community Meeting 5/10/23 – Minutes

Meeting commenced at 7:00 PM Approximately 15 community members attended in addition to the Board and Trustees. Mission Moments: Thank you to our mulching team and Barbara Jones for leading the charge in spreading 15 yards of mulch - the place looks AMAZING! Thank you...

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Community By-Laws Meeting 2/6/2023

- Mission Moment - Conley highlighted the All Abilities Showcase for Zumba - approximately 100 people showed up to support this amazing group! - Highlights - Conley went over some highlights of the hall and membership: Jan 2023 Hall Usage:  162 hours of community and...

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