Community Meeting 5/10/23 – Minutes

Meeting commenced at 7:00 PM

Approximately 15 community members attended in addition to the Board and Trustees.

Mission Moments:

  • Thank you to our mulching team and Barbara Jones for leading the charge in spreading 15 yards of mulch – the place looks AMAZING!
  • Thank you to Ashley Murphy and team for our Egg Hunt


  • Secretary’s Report – Approval and acceptance of By Law meeting minutes posted on the website – approved by majority vote
  • Treasurer’s Report – YTD $5530.53 profit (includes restricted grant monies) – Treasurer’s Report approved by majority vote
    • Paul Barrette asked if the Private Party income is offset by Hall Management Services – the answer is yes, so net profit is ~$800 YTD
    • Tom Charbonneau asked about grant writers – the board is always willing to accept help from anyone who would like to participate in helping to write grants.
  • Trustees – David Gleason gave an update on what the Trustees have been doing
    • Telephone poles by the ball field – poles were laid down in reaction to the person who drove onto the field and got stuck in the mud over the winter.  Poles are set back enough that folks should parallel park if they are going to park there as opposed to nose in which may intrude on the roadway.  So far folks have been parking nose in and this is causing issues.
    • Trustees have generated some draft rules to be approved and distributed related to what can be done on CFP Trustee controlled property
    • Boats – looking for a permit to build kayak/canoe/dinghy racks, would then charge for use.  In the meantime they are putting on the website the rules for placing dinghies/kayaks/canoes at the beach at the end of Easton – application to trustees, pay $50 fee for the season, receive a sticker, ensure boats are removed by November.
    • A community member asked about Right of Way signage for non-CRMC owned Rights of Way – trustees are looking at the issue.
    • Anthony Road parking is an issue – trustees are looking to have 3 designated parking spaces at the north end of Anthony in the cul-de-sac, only those spaces would be eligible for use.  Dave has raised the issue that the road is too narrow to allow any parking on Anthony road, would like to limit parking along the road to 15 minutes with the exception of the 3 designated spots mentioned above – the vote to approve this option failed.
    • Amy Sweeney asked if it would be possible to put up speed limit signs that measure speeds along Anthony Road and flash when driver is going above 20 MPH – Dave to investigate with the town.
    • The Trustees are working on a community map that can be hung on the wall in the community center so that residents have a good idea of the community and what areas are controlled by the trustees.
    • Barbara Jones asked if it would be possible to have speed bumps or tables installed in the community – apparently this has been raised in the past, but the town has rejected due to need for the roads to be plowed.
  • Preparedness Committee – Nicole Gotovich provided an update:
    • Jeff Prater and Nicole to present at the RI Flood Mitigation Association Conference in the Communities in Action track on 5/25
    • We will be participating in the RI Annual Preparedness Conference at East Providence High School on 6/23.

Upcoming Events

  • 6/10 – 2 PM Ice Cream Social and Block Party (music starts at 6PM), food trucks will be available
  • 5/19 – 8 PM Music at the Point – Beth Barron
  • 5/21 – 12:30 – 4:30 PM Vendor Craft Fair
  • 6/8 – 5:30 – 7:30 PM – Grow Smart RI Forum – Portsmouth/Middletown/Newport land conservation, housing, etc. discussion
  • 6/17 – 1 PM – Dance Me In showcase – all abilities ballroom dancing

Officer Elections – September

  • Officer roles and responsibilities are posted on the website under About
  • Let Conley know if you are interested in running for an officer position
  • Let Conley know if you are interested in serving on an election committee to run the process

Upcoming Meetings

  • Future meetings will be on Third Wednesday of the month at 7:00 PM in the hall
  • Next two meetings are 6/21 and 7/19