Attendees: Board – Conley, Jim, Ashley, David, Lee, Sally Trustees – Leon Community – ~14 Members
Meeting commenced at 7:02 PM
- Welcome
- Secretary’s Report – August minutes posted on the CFP website. Minutes approved
- Treasurer’s Report – David provided report, it was asked if he would be using the summary or expanded format going forward, David indicated he would provide the expanded format in the future. We are currently at $2256 YTD profits. Report was approved.
- Preparedness Committee – Nicole was not able to attend, Jim provided a summary of last meeting:
- Working on a preparedness newsletter, seeking input on a name
- Town is going to conduct a street study in CFP, looking to possibly make Common Fence Blvd a one-way street to improve safety for walkers/cyclists.
- Paige (?) was present to provide some inputs on grants. She is working with all three communities on the island looking to expand on use of regional grants throughout Aquidneck Island. We will be working more closely with her going forward to identify and submit grants proposals.
- Events:
- Mary Pierce in Concert 9/22 at 7:00 PM
- Club CFP (All abilities dance club) 10/13 7-9 PM – Halloween Party
- Trustees Report – Leon
- Continuing to work on Bylaws
- Confirmed that the beach by the Sportsman’s Club is owned by CFP
Old Business:
- Pond Remediation – Barbara Jones – There is a two step process – Address phragmites, Address road runoff (~$80K to address). Barbara will be getting back into organizing projects for this fall – she is looking for volunteers.
New Business:
- Officer Elections
- Slate of Officers:
- President – Conley Zani
- Vice President – Jim Fogerty
- Treasurer – David Breton
- Secretary – Asley Murphy
- At Large – Tom Charbonneau, Sarah Chase Ferreira, Sally Smith, Lee Silva
- All officers introduced themselves. Slate was unanimously approved.
- Slate of Officers:
- Legislative Grant
- $2500 presented 9/14 for All Abilities Program
- VFW – Hall is under renovation, looking to become a more community friendly space. Volunteers still needed to help with the renovation
- Seth Dame did a pop-up cafe at McCorrie Beach, raised $5K and will be presenting CFPIA $1K for All Abilities Programs
- Paul Barrett asked what the status of the Donor Wall is, can we put something on the TV in the lobby while waiting for a fully formed Wall Display? Looking for volunteers to help put the PowerPoint together.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:40 PM