Sacral Chakra Gong Bath 4/28 6:30 PM

This month, we are continuing with the Chakra series and bringing in the energy of the Sacral Chakra.

This Chakra, located just below the navel,  focuses on creativity, emotional intelligence and sensuality.  Tune into your natural flow connecting your inner world with the outer world and creating your own desires for joy and happiness.

Come lie comfortably on your mat or in a chair and allow the Gongs and various instruments to guide you into a deeper connection of those desires and creativity, movement and flow.  Allow your Sacral chakra to open, unblock and become balanced!

Wear your favorite ORANGE and bring an intention for healing. Take home a crystal infused with the energy of the session.

Drumsinger A.Michelle and Barbara Barlow are your hosts for this event.

Bring what you need to be comfy on the floor- chair, mat, blanket, pillow or other nesting materials.

Walk-ins Welcome. No experience needed

Payment by:
Venmo : @AMichelleGong
